We provide scientific and technical leadership in fundamental and applied theoretical research in applied and fundamental nuclear physics, particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. Members of the Nuclear, Particle, Astrophysics and Cosmology Group (T-2) of the Theoretical Division frequently contribute and collaborate beyond these core disciplines as opportunities arise.
The group maintains theory, modeling and simulation capabilities in a broad set of areas. Current activities of our group's members include research in nuclear reactions and structure for applied and basic science, nuclear many-body theory, nuclear reaction theory, fission, nuclear data evaluation, processing and validation testing for applications that include stockpile stewardship, threat reduction, and energy security, heavy ion physics, nuclear astrophysics, physics beyond the standard model, neutrino physics, lattice quantum chromodynamics, nonequilibrium field theory, astroparticle physics, high energy astrophysics, proto-planet formation and migration, astrophysical data analysis and processing, plasma astrophysics, cosmology and galaxy formation, gravitation and gravitational waves, precision cosmology, and dark matter and dark energy, to name a few.