Welcome to the T-2 Nuclear Information Service.
This service is run by Group T-2, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is operated by Los Alamos National Security LLC (LANS) for the Department of Energy.
This site concentrates on nuclear modeling, nuclear data, cross sections, nuclear masses, ENDF, NJOY data processing, nuclear astrophysics, radioactivity, radiation shielding, data for medical radiotherapy, data for high-energy accelerator applications, data and codes for fission and fusion systems, and more.
Use the links to the left to access the various features of our site.
The Tour area contains educational material on the field of nuclear data and information on how to use our site effectively.
The Data area contains various sets of nuclear data that can be browsed, downloaded, or viewed graphically. It also includes the online Nuclear Data Viewer.
The Codes area contains information on computer codes for nuclear data that we have developed in the course of our work.
The Publications area contains publications about nuclear data and techniques for working with nuclear data.
The Training area contains online training courses for the ENDF evaluated nuclear data files and the NJOY nuclear data processing system.