T-2, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology

Core Collapse Supernovae: Explosion models and long-term neutrino emission

Luke Roberts

Although it has been studied for many decades, the mechanism driving core-collapse supernova explosions (CCSNe) is still uncertain. The delayed neutrino mechanism, in combination with multi-dimensional fluid instabilities, seems to be the most promising mechanism for driving garden variety CCSNe. Simulating these events with high fidelity is inherently a multi-scale, multi-physics problem. First, I will discuss our recent work modeling these events. In particular, I will focus on the impact of the nuclear equation of state on the explosion mechanism and highlight the impact of finite temperature properties of the equation of state. After a successful, neutrino driven CCSN, a protoneutron star is often left behind as a remnant. This hot, extended young neutron star cools and contracts over a period of tens of seconds emitting a copious number of neutrinos. The spectrum and time dependence of this neutrino emission encodes information about the properties of dense matter, sets the initial conditions for neutrino oscillations, and can alter nucleosynthesis in the supernova. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss how neutrino opacities and the nuclear equation of state impact the neutrino signal and nucleosynthesis.


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