T-2 Nuclear Physics

T-2 Applied Nuclear Physics Applications

Charged-particle Reactions
contact Anna Hayes of T-2 for more information

1. Hydrodynamical Mixing: Reactions with shell only take place if shell within stopping length

hotspotDetermine (scipt L)mix and mix chunkiness

2. Stopping Powers: The knock-on fluence has a direct functional dependnece on stopping power

stoppowerDifferent T+^9Be reactions determine the stopping

Neutron Reactions

1. Shell implosion velocity. Crucial for ignition Measure via ^9Be(n,p)^9Li


2. Shell Geometry after implosion: degree of ablation and the compression

Determine pdeltaR of ablator from ^9Be(n, alpha)^6He
Difference between pdeltaR for ^Be and Cu --> ~deltaR


Specific Applications: spectra for MTS
contact Skip Kahler in T-2 for more information





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