Group Collapse

It is necessary to produce cross-section libraries with fairly narrow energy groups to minimize the consequences of an inappropriate model flux discussed above. However, it may not be economical (or even possible) to perform a multidimensional SN solution using the fine-group structure directly. In such cases it is desirable to collapse to a coarser group structure. The collapse can be defined in such a way as to preserve each term of the PN equations when they are summed over all fine groups $g$ in coarse group $G$ as follows:

Coarse group flux

\phi_{\ell G} = \sum_{g\in G}\,\phi_{\ell g}~~,

Absorption, $\bar{\nu}\sigma_f$, and edit cross sections

\sigma_{xG} = \sum_{g\in G} \sigma_{xg} \frac{\phi_{0g}}{\phi_{0G}}~~,

Transport cross section for leakage calculation

\sigma_{trG}^{PN} = \sum_{g\in G} \sigma_{trg}^{PN} \frac{\phi_{1g}}{\phi_{1G}}~~,

P$_{\ell}$-weighted total cross section

\sigma_{\ell tG}^{PN} = \sum_{g \in G} \sigma_{\ell tg}^{PN} \frac{\phi_{\ell g}}{\phi_{\ell G}}~~,

Scattering matrix cross sections

\sigma_{\ell G \leftarrow G^\prime}^{PN} = \sum_{g \in G} \,\sum_{g^\prime \in G^\prime}\, \sigma_{\ell g^\prime \leftarrow g}^{PN} \frac{\phi_{\ell g^\prime}}{\phi_{\ell G^\prime}}~~,


Steady-state and delay fission spectrum $\chi$

\chi_G = \displaystyle{\sum_{g \epsilon G}}\chi_g~~.

The coarse-group SN equations can be derived from the coarse-group PN equations; therefore, Eqs.~(\ref{eq27}) through (\ref{eq213}) apply with $g$ replaced by $G$. The flux components can be read in from some previous calculation or generated from the model weight function used to generate the MATXS library with

\phi_{\ell g} = \frac{C_g}{\displaystyle{\Pi^{\ell}_{k=0}} [\sigma_{0g} + \sigma_{ktg}]}~~.

In practice only $k{=}0$ and $k{=}1$ are available on the MATXS library, and $k{=}1$ is used for all higher orders.

Note that there are four different uses for input fluxes in TRANSX: (1) collapse, (2) fission $\chi$, (3) transport cross section and (4) elastic scattering corrections.

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