Neutron-Photon Coupled Sets

The discrete-ordinates equation can be applied equally well to neutron and photon transport; it is only necessary to provide the appropriate neutron or photon cross sections for the transport tables. In both cases, downscatter predominates (excluding fission), and the equations can be solved by sweeping through the groups from high energy to low energy.

Since photon production from neutron reactions is usually stronger than photo-neutron production, the same downscatter structure can be obtained by defining a composite group structure with N neutron groups arranged as groups 1 through N, and G photon groups attached as groups N+1 through N+G. The arrangement is shown schematically here. Photoneutron production could be included with fission.

A coupled set provides the convenience of solving both the neutron and photon problems simultaneously with a single transport code run. Because more than one photon is normally produced by a neutron reaction (i.e., cascades), the particle-balance absorption edit $\sigma_{ag}$ will usually be large and negative for a coupled set. Special features are available in some transport codes to allow the photon part of a response to be computed separately from the neutron part. The GOXS interface format includes a parameter LNG to define the point between the neutron and photon parts of the group structure.

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