ANISN Output

There has been a long tradition in which ORNL codes wrote the source term of the transport equations one way, and Los Alamos codes used a different convention. The only difference between the FIDO and ANISN options is that ANISN tables include the ($2\ell{+}1$) appropriate for ORNL codes and FIDO tables leave it out, as required by the Los Alamos codes. Modern codes like ONEDANT often have options to read either type of table. An easy way to distinguish between them is to look at the scattering matrix for a high-energy group with almost delta-function forward scattering. Los Alamos tables will have ${\rm P}_0{\geq} {\rm P}_1{\geq}{\rm P}_2{\geq}{\rm P}_3....$ The higher orders will tend to grow for ORNL tables.

Hope you can read TeX math!

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