LANL FIESTA Fission School & Workshop, Sep. 17-22, 2017


The workshop registration and abstract submission is now closed. For inquiries about late registrations, please email us at

The workshop sessions will be held each day (except day #3) in the afternoon/evening following the school lectures and practical sessions in the morning and early afternoon, and will correspond to the particular theme of the day.

Below is the preliminary list of chair and invited speakers for each session.

Fission Cross Sections
  • Chair: Toshihiko Kawano (LANL)
  • Invited Speakers: Nathaniel Bowden (LLNL), Andreas Tsinganis (CERN)
Fission Yields
  • Chair: Jørgen Randrup (LBNL)
  • Invited Speakers: Aurel Bulgac (UW Seattle), Audrey Chatillon (CEA), Satoshi Chiba (TiT Tokyo), Arnold J. Sierk (LANL)
Prompt Fission Neutrons and Gamma Rays
  • Chair: Yaron Danon (RPI)
  • Invited Speakers: Alf Göök* (JRC Geel), Hiroyuki Makii (JAEA), Andreas Oberstedt (ELI Bucharest), Alexander Vorobyev* (PNPI Gatchina)
  • Chair: Sara Pozzi (UM)
  • Invited Speakers: Eric Bauge (CEA), Benoit Forget (MIT), Paul Hausladen (ORNL)

*to be confirmed

We do not plan to print proceedings, but workshop presentations will be made publicly available online.