Baryogengesis and Dark Matter from B Mesons
Gilly Elor
U. of Washington
I will present a new mechanism of low scale Baryogengesis and dark matter production in which both the dark matter relic abundance and the baryon asymmetry arise from B meson oscillation and subsequent decays. This set-up is testable at hadron colliders and B-factories. In the early Universe, decays of a long lived particle produce B mesons and anti-mesons out of thermal equilibrium. These then undergo CP violating oscillations before quickly decaying to visible and dark sector particles. Dark matter will be charged under Baryon number so that the visible sector baryon asymmetry is produced without violating total baryon number. The produced baryon asymmetry will be directly related to the leptonic charge asymmetry in neutral B decays; and experimental observable. Furthermore, this mechanism predicts new decay modes of B mesons into baryons and missing energy -- which can be searched for at current and upcoming experiments thus allowing for a distinct probe of our mechanism.