Toward a comprehensive and unitary reaction network for BBN
Mark Paris
Unitarity, the mathematical expression of the conservation of probability in multichannel scattering and reactions, is an important ingredient in the development of nuclear reaction networks appropriate for nucleosynthesis in a variety of environments. We describe our ongoing program to develop a unitary reaction network for the big-bang nucleosynthesis environment and look at an example of the need and power of unitary parametrizations of nuclear scattering and reaction data. Recent attention has been focused on the possible role of the 9B compound nuclear system in the resonant destruction of 7Li during primordial nucleosynthesis. We have studied reactions in the 9B compound system with a multichannel, two-body unitary R-matrix code (EDA) using the known elastic and reaction data, in a four-channel treatment. The data include elastic 3He+6Li differential cross sections from 0.7 to 2.0 MeV, integrated reaction cross sections for energies from 0.7 to 5.0 MeV for 6Li(3He,p)8Be* and from 0.4 to 5.0 MeV for the 6Li(3He,d)7Be reaction. Capture data have been added to the previous analysis with integrated cross section measurements from 0.7 to 0.825 MeV for 6Li(3He,g)9B. The resulting resonance parameters are compared with tabulated values from TUNL Nuclear Data Group analyses. Previously unidentified resonances are noted and the relevance of this analysis and a unitary reaction network for big-bang nucleosynthesis is emphasized.