Speaker: Walid Younes (Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Fission models for actinide (n,f) cross sections
The (n,f) cross section on a variety of actinides of interest cannot
be easily measured in the laboratory, because the target is too
short-lived. For example, there is no reliable measurement of the
237U(n,f) cross section up to En = 20 MeV. Using surrogate (t,pf),
(3He,df), and (3He,tf) reactions to populate the same compound system
as the neutron-induced reaction of interest, the (n,f) cross section
up to a few MeV's for various Th, U, Np, Pu, and Am targets has been
estimated. Standard reaction models were used to account for the
differences in population by the surrogate (e.g., (t,pf)) and
neutron-induced reactions. The same standard fission model was used
to describe the fission process common to both reactions. I will
present these estimated cross sections and discuss a preliminary
extension of the 237U(n,f) cross section up to En = 20 MeV in a
simplified approach.
In order to extend the present (n,f) estimates up to En = 20 MeV
within a more robust framework, I will discuss planned improvements to
the current fission model to include: the angular-momentum and
temperature dependence of the potential surface, the coupling between
intrinsic and collective degrees of freedom, and the dynamical aspects
of fission via a diffusion-model approach. Finally, I will explore
the prospects for a fully microscopic calculation of actinide (n,f)
cross sections.
This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of
Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.