Speaker: Gautam Rupak (T-16, LANL)
Nuclear Physics from lattice QCD: Finite lattice spacing and volume effects
Numerical simulation of QCD via lattice QCD is the only method
available for calculating low-energy hadronic observables directly from
the fundamental theory of QCD. However, these simulations are still a
long way from calculating hadronic matrix elements with physically
relevant light up and down quark masses. Chiral perturbation theory
(ChPT) could provide a controlled, systematic extrapolation of the
lattice data to the physical region. In this talk I will describe
extensions of chiral perturbation theory relevant for lattice QCD that
include dependence on the lattice spacing 'a' to quadratic order.
Besides, large quark masses and lattice spacing, finite volume effects
need to be small to extract physical observables from lattice QCD.
I will describe how one can use ChPT (with a modified power counting)
to extract nucleon mass from lattice simulation done even on a small