Speaker: Gautam Rupak (T-16, LANL)
Topics in dilute fermi and bose systems
At low temperatures and densities, there is a high degree of universality, in
both fermi and bose systems. Effective field theory is an ideal tool in such
situations for model independent calculations. First I will discuss a fermionic
system composed of two particle species with different densities. Recent
developments in cold atom traps and high density QCD has revived interests in
the study of such an asymmetric fermionic system. I will argue that a mixed
phase composed of normal and superfluid components is the energetically favored
ground state. Second, I will discuss dilute bose systems where unusual
properties of the three-body interactionin the presence of a shallow two-body
bound state could lead to novel self bound liquids. The ability to tune
two-body interaction essentially at will by means of a Feshbach resonance
opens the possibility of manufacturing a new class of such quantum liquids.
Further, I show that the contribution of the three-body interaction to
thermodynamic functions mightbe the dominant one for systems with large
two-body scattering length.