Speaker: Joseph N. Ginocchio (T-16, LANL)
R-Matrix Theory and Nuclear Applications
The mathematical structure of R-matrix theory and applications to light
nuclear cross sections are discussed. The R-matrix analysis of experimental
data on reactions like 7Li(p,alpha), 7Be(n,p) and 6Li(d,alpha), leading to the
8Be intermediate nuclear state, will be described. 4029 data points up to an
excitation energy of 23 MeV are fitted with 94 parameters. The resonance
structure of 8Be is deduced. The R-matrix and logarithmic derivative are
defined. Not only can these be obtained from experimental data, but also from
Green's function Monte Carlo (GFMC) microscopic calculations. Results of
GFMC calculations for alpha n elastic scattering will be shown. Both
GFMC calculations and mathematical r-matrix theory to solve non-linear
differential equations are future thrusts.