Speaker: Ludovic Bonneau (CENBG, France)
Microscopic Fission Barriers of heavy nuclei and angular momentum of fission fragments
After a brief general introduction, I will present the work
that I have carried out as a PhD student about microscopic calculations of the
spin of fission fragments around scission point. These calculations rely on a
model recently developed by I.N. Mikhailov and P. Quentin (1999), called
``orientation pumping''.
To perform this study involving very large deformations around scission, we first
check the validity of our HF(SkM*)+BCS mean field microscopic approach at lower
deformations upon calculating fission barriers. We have obtained a globally
satisfying agreement with experimental data. Then we have studied realistic
scission configurations. We have found that, for several heavy nuclei
ranging from Thorium to Nobelium isotopes, the energetically favored fragmentation
stands fairly close to the one corresponding to the maximum of the experimental
mass yield distribution.
Finally we have applied the orientation pumping model which requires to calculate
the expected value of the non local J^2 operator for each
fragment from the whole system wave function. The
orientation pumping alone can generate spin-values of roughly 3 to 5 hbar in
each fragment, in fairly good agreement with recent experimental data.