Input Instructions for MATXSR

     *                                                                *
     * card 1 units                                                   *
     *   ngen1     input unit for data from groupr                    *
     *   ngen2     input unit for data from gaminr                    *
     *   nmatx     output unit for matxs                              *
     *   ngen3     incident proton data from groupr (default=0)       *
     *   ngen4     incident deuteron data from groupr (default=0)     *
     *   ngen5     incident triton data from groupr (default=0)       *
     *   ngen6     incident he3 data from groupr (default=0)          *
     *   ngen7     incident alpha data from groupr (default=0)        *
     * card 2 user identification                                     *
     *   ivers     file version number (default=0)                    *
     *   huse      user id (up to 16 characters, delimited by *,      *
     *             ended by /) (default=blank)                        *
     * card 3 file control                                            *
     *   npart     number of particles for which group                *
     *                structures are given                            *
     *   ntype     number of data types in set                        *
     *   nholl     number of cards to be read for hollerith           *
     *             identification record.                             *
     *   nmat      number of materials desired                        *
     * card 4 set hollerith identification                            *
     *   hsetid    hollerith identification of set                    *
     *             (each line can be up to 72 characters,             *
     *             delimited with *, ended by /)                      *
     * card 5 particle identifiers                                    *
     *   hpart     hollerith identifiers for particles                *
     *             (up to 8 characters each)                          *
     * card 6 energy groups                                           *
     *   ngrp      number of groups for each particle                 *
     * card 7 data type identifiers                                   *
     *   htype     hollerith identifiers for data types               *
     *             (up to 8 characters each)                          *
     * card 8 input particle ids                                      *
     *   jinp     input particle id for each data type                *
     * card 9 output particle ids                                     *
     *   joutp    output particle id for each data type               *
     * card 10 material data (one card per material)                  *
     *   hmat      hollerith material identifier                      *
     *             (up to 8 characters each)                          *
     *   matno     integer material identifier                        *
     *             (endf/b mat number)                                *
     *   matgg     mat number for photoatomic data                    *
     *             (default=100*(matno/100) as in endf-6)             *
     *                                                                *