Input Instructions for BROADR

     *                                                                *
     * card 1                                                         *
     *    nendf    input endf tape (for thermal nubar only)           *
     *    nin      input pendf tape                                   *
     *    nout     output pendf tape                                  *
     * card 2                                                         *
     *    mat1     material to be processed                           *
     *    ntemp2   number of final temperatures (maximum=10)          *
     *    istart   restart (0 no, 1 yes, default 0)                   *
     *    istrap   bootstrap (0 no, 1 yes, default 0)                 *
     *    temp1    starting temperature from nin (default=0.k)        *
     * card 3                                                         *
     *    errthn   fractional tolerance for thinning                  *
     *    thnmax   max. energy for broadening and thinning            *
     *             (default=1 mev)                                    *
     *    errmax   fractional tolerance used when integral criterion  *
     *             is satisfied (same usage as in reconr)             *
     *             (, default=20*errthn)              *
     *    errint   parameter to control integral thinning             *
     *             (usage as in reconr) (default=errthn/10000)        *
     *             set very small to turn off integral thinning.      *
     *      (a good choice for the convergence parameters             *
     *       errthn, errmax, and errint is the same set of            *
     *       values used in reconr)                                   *
     * card 4                                                         *
     *    temp2    final temperatures (deg kelvin)                    *
     * card 5                                                         *
     *    mat1     next mat number to be processed with these         *
     *             parameters.  terminate with mat1=0.                *
     *                                                                *
     *---input options------------------------------------------------*
     *                                                                *
     * the output tape will contain the ntemp2 final temperatures     *
     * specified.  it is necessary to have temp1.le.temp2(1).         *
     * if temp2.eq.temp1, the data will be thinned only.              *
     *                                                                *
     * restart    continue broadening an existing pendf tape.  all    *
     *            temperatures are copied through temp1.  additional  *
     *            final temperatures are added by starting with the   *
     *            data at temp1.                                      *
     *                                                                *
     * bootstrap  if bootstrap is not requested, each final tempera-  *
     *            ture is generated by broadening directly from       *
     *            temp1 to temp2.  if bootstrap is requested, each    *
     *            final temperature is broadened from the preceding   *
     *            temperature.  this option is faster due to the      *
     *            thinning in the previous step.  however, errors     *
     *            accumulate.                                         *
     *                                                                *
     * thnmax     the upper limit for broadening and thinning is the  *
     *            lowest of the input value of thnmax, the lowest     *
     *            reaction threshold, or the start of the unresolved  *
     *            range.  if there is resolved-unresolved overlap,    *
     *            the overlap region is included in the broadening.   *
     *            a negative value of thnmax will override the        *
     *            resolved and threshold limits.  This allows the     *
     *            first few threshold reactions to be broadened if    *
     *            desired.  the magnitude of thnmax must be chosen    *
     *            to keep the number of broadenable reactions less    *
     *            than or equal to the maximum of ntt (10).           *
     *                                                                *