Weighting Function |
"Wait a minute," you ask, "the purpose of solving the transport
equation is to get the flux, but I have to know the flux to
compute the multigroup constants!" This conundrum is the source
of much of the "art" in using multigroup methods. If you can
make a good guess for the shape of the flux (mostly the
intragroup flux) for the class of problems of interest,
you can do very good multigroup calculations with only a few
groups. If the flux can change shape between different problems
or between different regions of one problem, then you have to
use a large number of groups together with some default shape
(such as flat weighting). The presence of resonance absorbers
in a problem results in complex shapes for the weighting function,
which leads to the effects called "self shielding." As a first example, consider a typical water-moderated critical assembly, such as a power reactor. Neutrons are born at high energies (about 2 MeV) with a characteristic fission spectrum, many of them slow down by collisions with hydrogen nuclei in the water, resulting in a 1/E shape, and they finally come into equilibrium when they reach thermal energies, resulting in a Maxwellian shape appropriate to the temperature of the system. As shown in the following figure, GROUPR contains several builtin weighting functions that show this combination of shapes:
![]() The curves are plotted as log-log "weight per unit lethargy" or E*W(E), which makes the central 1/E part of the curve flat. The parameters used to generate the curve for IWT=4 were a thermal temperature of .0253 eV joined to 1/E at 0.1 eV, and a fission temperature of 1.40 MeV joined to 1/E at 820.3 keV. Curve #8 is for a fast reactor or fusion blanket. As a second example, consider a fusion system. The neutrons born in d-T reactions appear as a sharp peak centered near 14 MeV. They then scatter down to lower energies by elastic and inelastic processes, producing a shape in the 1 MeV range very similar to the fission spectrum. If there are few light isotopes around, few neutrons get to thermal energies, and a shape like #8 results. The high-energy shapes of some of GROUPR's built-in weighting functions are shown below:
![]() Here is a brief summary of the built-in weighting functions:
23 January 2013 | T-2 Nuclear Information Service | ryxm@lanl.gov |