Macroscopic potential-energy surfaces for
arbitrarily oriented, deformed heavy ions

Advanced Science Research Center,
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute,
Tokai, Naka-gun, Ibaraki, 319-1195 Japan
Center for Mathematical Sciences, University of Aizu,
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima 965-80, Japan

Advanced Science Research Center,
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute,
Tokai, Naka-gun, Ibaraki, 319-11 Japan

Published: Nucl. Phys. A 575 (1994) 381

A formalism suitable for numerical evaluation of finite-range liquid-drop model expressions related to the interaction energy of two arbitrarily oriented, deformed heavy ions is developed. The presentation of the formalism is organized to facilitate extensions to alternative parameterizations and energy expressions. The model is applied to specific heavy-ion collisions that illustrate the importance of a multidimensional approach in the study of complete fusion reactions. Potential-energy surfaces related to light-particle emission for heavy, deformed nuclei are also presented.
The manuscript as a .pdf file and the color figures as a .pdf file are available for download.
Two misprints in Eqs. A.10 and A.17 in the published version are corrected here.
This manuscript has been assigned Los Alamos Preprint No LA-UR-01-1646.
Peter Moller
Created 2001 --> Last modified: Thu July 5, 2012