Status of delayed-neutron precursor data:
half-lives and neutron emission probabilities

Bernd Pfeiffer and Karl-Ludwig Kratz
Institut für Kernchemie, Universität Mainz, Germany
Peter Möller
Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico 87545, USA

The paper "Status of Delayed-Neutron Precursor Data: Half-Lives and Neutron-Emission Probabilities" by Bernd Pfeiffer, Karl-Ludwig Kratz, and Peter Möller has been assigned Los Alamos National Laboratory Preprint No LA-UR-00-5897, published in Progress in Nuclear Energy, 41 (2002) 49-69 .


We present in this paper a compilation of the present status of experimental delayed-neutron precursor data; i.e. beta-decay half-lives and neutron emission probabilities in the fission-product region (26 < Z <58). These data are compared to two model predictions of substantially different sophistication: (i) an update of the empirical Kratz--Herrmann formula (KHF), and (ii) a unified macroscopic-microscopic model within the quasi-particle random-phase approximation (QRPA). Both models are also used to calculate so far unknown half-lives and delayed neutron emission probabilities to Z=63. A number of possible refinements in the microscopic calculations are suggested to further improve the nuclear-physics foundation of these data for reactor and astrophysical applications.

The complete manuscript is available for download.

Peter Moller
Created Tue Jan 22 11:39:52 MST 2002, Last Modified July 2, 2012.