File 6 - Discrete Two-Body Scattering (LAW=2)

This law is used to describe the distribution in energy and angle of particles described by two-body kinematics. It is very similar to File 4, except its use in File 6 allows the concurrent description of the emission of positrons, electrons, photons, neutrons, charged particles, residual nuclei, and isomers. Since the energy of a particle emitted with a particular scattering cosine μ is determined by kinematics, it is only necessary to give


where the Pl are the Legendre polynomials with the maximum order NL. Note that the angular distribution pi is normalized.

The following quantities are defined for LAW=2:

flag that indicates the representation:
LANG=0, Legendre expansion;
LANG=12, tabulation with pi(μ) linear in μ
LANG=14, tabulation with lnpi(μ) linear in μ.
standard TAB2 parameters
for LANG=0, NL is the highest Legendre order used,
for LANG>0, NL is the number of cosines tabulated.
number of parameters given in the LIST record:
for LANG=0, NW=NL;
for LANG>0, NW=2*NL.
for LANG=0, the Legendre coefficients,
for LANG>0, the μ,pi pairs for the tabulated angular distribution.

The format for a subsection with LAW=2 is

     [MAT, 6, MT/ 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, NR, NE/ EINT] TAB2
     [MAT, 6, MT/ 0.0, E1, LANG, 0, NW, NL/ AL(E1)] LIST
                  continue with LIST records for the
                  rest of the incident energies
Note that LANG=0 is very similar to File 4 with LTT=1 and LVT=0. The tabulated option is similar to File 4 with LTT=2 and LVT=0, except that a LIST record is used instead of TAB1. The kinematical equations require AWR and AWP from File 6 and QI from File 3.

LAW=2 can be used in sections with MT=50-90, 600-648, 650-698, etc. only, and the center-of-mass system must be used (LCT=2).

23 January 1998 T-2 Nuclear Information Service