ENDF Data |
This area provides access to the US standard ENDF/B data for various versions, including neutron data, thermal data, charged-particle data, photo-nuclear data, and atomic data. This includes standard evaluation files, interpreted versions of the files, and plots from the processing. Supplementary data, such as energy-balance tests, can also be found. |
This is an index to the contents of the new ENDF/B-VII.1 library of evaluated incident-neutron data. Links in the index provide access to more information about the individual materials, including raw and interpreted views of the ENDF file, and PDF plots of the cross sections and distributions. ryxm@lanl.gov |
These new decay data evaluations for ENDF/B-VII.1 were generated from ENSDF (the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File) by the NNDC at BNL. There are now almost 4000 nuclides available, extending from the neutron up to Z=111. These data are from December 2011. |
This area contains PDF plots of the ENDF/B-VII.1 covariance data as processed by NJOY in January 2012. The MF33 plots show the percent uncertainty and correlations for each reaction. The MF31 plots show the uncertainty in fission nubar, the MF34 plots show the uncertainty in elastic scattering mubar, and the MF35 plots show the uncertainty in the fission neutron spectrum. |
The NJOY/HEATR calculation of the energy-balance Kerma provides a sensitive test of the consistency between the energy available from E+Q and the energy emitted as secondary neutrons and photons. This area provides PDF graphs comparing the energy-balance Kerma and the photon energy production against kinematic limits. The summary gives rough ratings on the quality of the energy balance for the various nuclides of ENDF/B-VII and provides links to the plots. ryxm@lanl.gov |
This is an index to the contents of the ENDF/B-VII library of evaluated incident-neutron data. Links in the index provide access to more information about the individual materials, including raw and interpreted views of the ENDF file, and PDF plots of the cross sections and distributions. |
This is an index to the contents of the ENDF/B-VII library of evaluated thermal neutron scattering data. Links in the index provide access to more information about the individual materials, including raw and interpreted views of the ENDF file, and PDF plots of the cross sections and distributions. |
This is an index to the contents of the ENDF/B-VII library of evaluated incident-proton data. Links in the index provide access to more information about the individual materials, including raw and interpreted views of the ENDF file, and PDF plots of the cross sections and distributions. |
This link gives access to incident-deuteron data from ENDF/B-VII end ENDF/B-VI. These evaluations are useful for fusion studies. |
This link gives access to incident-triton data from ENDF/B-VII and ENDF/B-VI. These evaluations are useful for fusion studies. |
This link gives access to incident-3He data from ENDF/B-VII and ENDF/B-VI. These evaluations are useful for fusion studies. |
This is an index to the contents of the ENDF/B-VII library of evaluated incident-gamma data. Links in the index provide access to more information about the individual materials, including raw and interpreted views of the ENDF file, and PDF plots of the cross sections and distributions. |
This area gives photon interaction data, electron interaction data, and atomic relaxation data in ENDF-6 format as converted from the LLNL epdl, eedl, and eadl libraries. These data are the same as for ENDF/B-VI. |
The NJOY/HEATR calculation of the energy-balance Kerma provides a sensitive test of the consistency between the energy available from E+Q and the energy emitted as secondary neutrons and photons. This area provides PDF graphs comparing the energy-balance Kerma and the photon energy production against kinematic limits. The summary gives rough ratings on the quality of the energy balance for the various nuclides of ENDF/B-VII and provides links to the plots. |
This is an index to the contents of the ENDF/B-VI library of evaluated neutron data as of Release 8. Links in the index provide access to more information about the individual materials, including raw and interpreted views of the ENDF file, and Postscript plots of the cross sections and distributions. |
This is an index to the contents of the ENDF/B-VI library of evaluated data for incident protons. The 150-MeV evaluations, which were first made available with Release 6, were developed for the APT project. Links in the index provide access to more information about the individual materials, including raw and interpreted views of the ENDF file, and Postscript plots of the cross sections and distributions. |
This area gives access to the original ENDF/B-VI thermal evaluations and to the new evaluations prepared for Release 3 (but actually distributed with Release 4) in both raw and interpreted forms. |
This gives you a page containing a list of all the 989 nuclides available. Selecting one of the nuclides gives you a new page containing details on the decay data for that nuclide, including decay modes and radioactivity spectra, as extracted from the ENDF/B-VI evaluation. |
This is an index to the contents of the ENDF/B-V library of evaluated neutron data through Release 2. Links in the index provide access to more information about the individual materials, including raw and interpreted views of the ENDF file, and Postscript plots of the cross sections and distributions. |
This is an index to the contents of the ENDF/B-IV library of evaluated neutron data. Links in the index provide access to more information about the individual materials, including raw and interpreted views of the ENDF file, and plots of the cross sections and distributions. |
This is an index to the contents of the ENDF/B-III library of evaluated neutron data. Links in the index provide access to more information about the individual materials, including raw and interpreted views of the ENDF file, and plots of the cross sections and distributions. |