Li-6 activation 532 0 0 0 3.00600+ 3 5.96340+ 0 0 0 0 17036 1451 1 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 07036 1451 2 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 48 57036 1451 3 3-li- 6 lasl eval-sep77 g.hale, l.stewart, p.g.young 7036 1451 4 dist-mar80 rev1-sep77 800317 7036 1451 5 7036 1451 6 ******************************************************************7036 1451 7 7036 1451 8 changes from version iv 7036 1451 9 1. all cross sections revised except for the (n,gamma). 7036 1451 10 ******************************************************************7036 1451 11 7036 1451 12 cross section standard (n,t), thermal to 100 kev. 7036 1451 13 recommended by csewg normalization and standards subcommittee. 7036 1451 14 for a complete description of version iv, see ref.1. 7036 1451 15 7036 1451 16 ******************************************************************7036 1451 17 7036 1451 18 mf=2 --------- resonance parameters ---------------------------- 7036 1451 19 mt=151 effective scattering radius = 2.3778e-13 cm. 7036 1451 20 mf=3 --------- smooth cross sections --------------------------- 7036 1451 21 the 2200 m/s cross sections are as follows, 7036 1451 22 mt=105 sigma = 935.89 barns 7036 1451 23 7036 1451 24 mt=105, (n,t). below 3 mev, values are taken from the r- 7036 1451 25 matrix analysis of ref.2, which includes (n,t) measure- 7036 1451 26 ments from refs 20-24. between 3 and 5 mev, the values 7036 1451 27 are based on bartles measurements (ref.24). 7036 1451 28 at higher energies, the cross sections are taken from 7036 1451 29 the evaluation of ref. 16, extended to 20 mev consider- 7036 1451 30 ing the data of kern (ref.25). 7036 1451 31 7036 1451 32 --------------------- references -------------------------------- 7036 1451 33 7036 1451 34 1. g.m.hale, l.stewart, and p.g.young, la-6518-ms (1976). 7036 1451 35 2. g.m.hale, proc, internat. specialists symposium on neutron 7036 1451 36 standards and applications, gaithersburg (1977). 7036 1451 37 16. e.d.pendlebury, awre-o-60/64 (1964). 7036 1451 38 20. m.g.sowerby, b.h.patrick, c.a.uttley, and k.m.diment, 7036 1451 39 j. nucl. energy 24,323 (1970). 6li/10b ratio converted using7036 1451 40 endf/b iv 10b(n,alpha) cross section. 7036 1451 41 21. g.p.lamaze, o.a.wasson,r.a.schrack, and a.d.carlson, proc. 7036 1451 42 internat. conf. on the interactions of neutrons with nuclei,7036 1451 43 vol. 2,1341 (1976). 7036 1451 44 22. w.p.poenitz, z.phys. 268,359 (1974). 7036 1451 45 23. j.c.overley, r.m.sealock, and d.h.ehlers, nucl. phys. a221, 7036 1451 46 573 (1974). 7036 1451 47 24. c.m.bartle, proc. conf. on nuclear cross sections and 7036 1451 48 technology, vol.2,688 (1975), and private communication 7036 1451 49 (1976). 7036 1451 50 7036 1451 51 1 451 56 17036 1451 52 2 151 4 17036 1451 53 3 105 78 17036 1451 54 8 105 3 17036 1451 55 9 105 4 17036 1451 56 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 07036 1 0 57 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 07036 0 0 58 3.00600+ 3 5.96340+ 0 0 0 1 07036 2151 59 3.00600+ 3 1.00000+ 0 0 0 1 07036 2151 60 1.00000- 5 1.00000+ 5 0 0 0 07036 2151 61 1.00000+ 0 2.37780- 1 0 0 0 07036 2151 62 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 07036 2 0 63 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 07036 0 0 64 3.00600+ 3 5.96340+ 0 0 99 0 07036 3105 65 0.00000+ 0 4.78380+ 6 0 0 2 2237036 3105 66 17 5 223 2 7036 3105 67 1.00000- 5 4.70750+ 4 1.00000- 2 1.48860+ 3 2.53000- 2 9.35890+ 27036 3105 68 1.00000- 1 4.70730+ 2 1.00000+ 0 1.48840+ 2 1.00000+ 1 4.70520+ 17036 3105 69 1.00000+ 2 1.48650+ 1 4.00000+ 2 7.42480+ 0 1.00000+ 3 4.69240+ 07036 3105 70 2.00000+ 3 3.31750+ 0 4.00000+ 3 2.34810+ 0 6.50000+ 3 1.84620+ 07036 3105 71 1.00000+ 4 1.49490+ 0 1.50000+ 4 1.22970+ 0 2.00000+ 4 1.07430+ 07036 3105 72 2.50000+ 4 9.70260- 1 3.00000+ 4 8.95310- 1 3.50000+ 4 8.38710- 17036 3105 73 4.00000+ 4 7.94640- 1 4.50000+ 4 7.59640- 1 5.00000+ 4 7.31540- 17036 3105 74 6.00000+ 4 6.90630- 1 7.00000+ 4 6.64880- 1 8.00000+ 4 6.50810- 17036 3105 75 9.00000+ 4 6.46790- 1 1.00000+ 5 6.52350- 1 1.10000+ 5 6.67880- 17036 3105 76 1.20000+ 5 6.94590- 1 1.30000+ 5 7.34630- 1 1.40000+ 5 7.91270- 17036 3105 77 1.50000+ 5 8.69330- 1 1.60000+ 5 9.75680- 1 1.70000+ 5 1.11990+ 07036 3105 78 1.80000+ 5 1.31470+ 0 1.90000+ 5 1.57540+ 0 2.00000+ 5 1.91510+ 07036 3105 79 2.05000+ 5 2.11530+ 0 2.10000+ 5 2.33200+ 0 2.15000+ 5 2.55830+ 07036 3105 80 2.16000+ 5 2.60370+ 0 2.17000+ 5 2.64900+ 0 2.18000+ 5 2.69390+ 07036 3105 81 2.19000+ 5 2.73840+ 0 2.20000+ 5 2.78240+ 0 2.21000+ 5 2.82560+ 07036 3105 82 2.22000+ 5 2.86790+ 0 2.23000+ 5 2.90920+ 0 2.24000+ 5 2.94930+ 07036 3105 83 2.25000+ 5 2.98800+ 0 2.26000+ 5 3.02530+ 0 2.27000+ 5 3.06080+ 07036 3105 84 2.28000+ 5 3.09460+ 0 2.29000+ 5 3.12630+ 0 2.30000+ 5 3.15590+ 07036 3105 85 2.31000+ 5 3.18320+ 0 2.32000+ 5 3.20820+ 0 2.33000+ 5 3.23050+ 07036 3105 86 2.34000+ 5 3.25030+ 0 2.35000+ 5 3.26730+ 0 2.36000+ 5 3.28140+ 07036 3105 87 2.37000+ 5 3.29270+ 0 2.38000+ 5 3.30100+ 0 2.39000+ 5 3.30640+ 07036 3105 88 2.40000+ 5 3.30870+ 0 2.41000+ 5 3.30810+ 0 2.42000+ 5 3.30450+ 07036 3105 89 2.43000+ 5 3.29800+ 0 2.44000+ 5 3.28860+ 0 2.45000+ 5 3.27640+ 07036 3105 90 2.46000+ 5 3.26150+ 0 2.47000+ 5 3.24400+ 0 2.48000+ 5 3.22400+ 07036 3105 91 2.49000+ 5 3.20160+ 0 2.50000+ 5 3.17690+ 0 2.51000+ 5 3.15010+ 07036 3105 92 2.52000+ 5 3.12140+ 0 2.53000+ 5 3.09080+ 0 2.54000+ 5 3.05850+ 07036 3105 93 2.55000+ 5 3.02480+ 0 2.56000+ 5 2.98960+ 0 2.57000+ 5 2.95320+ 07036 3105 94 2.58000+ 5 2.91580+ 0 2.59000+ 5 2.87740+ 0 2.60000+ 5 2.83820+ 07036 3105 95 2.61000+ 5 2.79830+ 0 2.62000+ 5 2.75790+ 0 2.63000+ 5 2.71710+ 07036 3105 96 2.64000+ 5 2.67600+ 0 2.65000+ 5 2.63470+ 0 2.66000+ 5 2.59330+ 07036 3105 97 2.67000+ 5 2.55190+ 0 2.68000+ 5 2.51050+ 0 2.69000+ 5 2.46930+ 07036 3105 98 2.70000+ 5 2.42840+ 0 2.75000+ 5 2.22910+ 0 2.80000+ 5 2.04290+ 07036 3105 99 2.85000+ 5 1.87260+ 0 2.90000+ 5 1.71910+ 0 2.95000+ 5 1.58210+ 07036 3105 100 3.00000+ 5 1.46030+ 0 3.05000+ 5 1.35250+ 0 3.10000+ 5 1.25700+ 07036 3105 101 3.20000+ 5 1.09750+ 0 3.40000+ 5 8.70850- 1 3.60000+ 5 7.23050- 17036 3105 102 3.80000+ 5 6.21970- 1 4.00000+ 5 5.49780- 1 4.25000+ 5 4.85050- 17036 3105 103 4.50000+ 5 4.38360- 1 4.75000+ 5 4.03330- 1 5.00000+ 5 3.76190- 17036 3105 104 5.50000+ 5 3.37020- 1 6.00000+ 5 3.10180- 1 6.50000+ 5 2.90670- 17036 3105 105 7.00000+ 5 2.75840- 1 7.50000+ 5 2.64190- 1 8.00000+ 5 2.54800- 17036 3105 106 8.50000+ 5 2.47090- 1 9.00000+ 5 2.40660- 1 9.50000+ 5 2.35240- 17036 3105 107 1.00000+ 6 2.30630- 1 1.05000+ 6 2.27800- 1 1.10000+ 6 2.25000- 17036 3105 108 1.15000+ 6 2.22400- 1 1.20000+ 6 2.20000- 1 1.25000+ 6 2.18500- 17036 3105 109 1.30000+ 6 2.17000- 1 1.35000+ 6 2.16000- 1 1.40000+ 6 2.15000- 17036 3105 110 1.45000+ 6 2.14300- 1 1.50000+ 6 2.13800- 1 1.55000+ 6 2.13300- 17036 3105 111 1.60000+ 6 2.13000- 1 1.65000+ 6 2.12600- 1 1.70000+ 6 2.12200- 17036 3105 112 1.80000+ 6 2.12000- 1 1.90000+ 6 2.11100- 1 2.00000+ 6 2.10000- 17036 3105 113 2.05000+ 6 2.09600- 1 2.10000+ 6 2.08800- 1 2.15000+ 6 2.08000- 17036 3105 114 2.20000+ 6 2.07000- 1 2.25000+ 6 2.05900- 1 2.30000+ 6 2.04000- 17036 3105 115 2.35000+ 6 2.02200- 1 2.40000+ 6 2.00200- 1 2.45000+ 6 1.98000- 17036 3105 116 2.50000+ 6 1.95500- 1 2.55000+ 6 1.93100- 1 2.60000+ 6 1.90000- 17036 3105 117 2.70000+ 6 1.83000- 1 2.80000+ 6 1.75000- 1 2.90000+ 6 1.66900- 17036 3105 118 3.00000+ 6 1.57000- 1 3.10000+ 6 1.47400- 1 3.20000+ 6 1.39600- 17036 3105 119 3.30000+ 6 1.33000- 1 3.40000+ 6 1.27300- 1 3.50000+ 6 1.23000- 17036 3105 120 3.60000+ 6 1.19500- 1 3.70000+ 6 1.16600- 1 3.80000+ 6 1.13900- 17036 3105 121 3.90000+ 6 1.11000- 1 4.00000+ 6 1.08700- 1 4.10000+ 6 1.06300- 17036 3105 122 4.20000+ 6 1.04000- 1 4.30000+ 6 1.01300- 1 4.40000+ 6 9.86000- 27036 3105 123 4.50000+ 6 9.60000- 2 4.60000+ 6 9.30000- 2 4.70000+ 6 9.05000- 27036 3105 124 4.80000+ 6 8.76000- 2 4.90000+ 6 8.51000- 2 5.00000+ 6 8.30000- 27036 3105 125 5.05000+ 6 8.23000- 2 5.10000+ 6 8.17000- 2 5.15000+ 6 8.10000- 27036 3105 126 5.20000+ 6 8.03000- 2 5.30000+ 6 7.90000- 2 5.40000+ 6 7.70000- 27036 3105 127 5.50000+ 6 7.50000- 2 5.60000+ 6 7.30000- 2 5.80000+ 6 7.05000- 27036 3105 128 6.00000+ 6 6.80000- 2 6.20000+ 6 6.55000- 2 6.40000+ 6 6.30000- 27036 3105 129 6.60000+ 6 6.10000- 2 6.80000+ 6 5.90000- 2 7.00000+ 6 5.70000- 27036 3105 130 7.20000+ 6 5.50000- 2 7.40000+ 6 5.35000- 2 7.60000+ 6 5.20000- 27036 3105 131 8.00000+ 6 4.90000- 2 8.20000+ 6 4.78000- 2 8.40000+ 6 4.66000- 27036 3105 132 8.50000+ 6 4.60000- 2 8.60000+ 6 4.54000- 2 8.80000+ 6 4.42000- 27036 3105 133 9.00000+ 6 4.30000- 2 9.50000+ 6 4.00000- 2 1.00000+ 7 3.80000- 27036 3105 134 1.04000+ 7 3.64000- 2 1.05000+ 7 3.60000- 2 1.08000+ 7 3.48000- 27036 3105 135 1.10000+ 7 3.40000- 2 1.15000+ 7 3.30000- 2 1.20000+ 7 3.10000- 27036 3105 136 1.25000+ 7 2.90000- 2 1.30000+ 7 2.80000- 2 1.35000+ 7 2.70000- 27036 3105 137 1.40000+ 7 2.60000- 2 1.45000+ 7 2.50000- 2 1.50000+ 7 2.40000- 27036 3105 138 1.55000+ 7 2.33000- 2 1.60000+ 7 2.25000- 2 1.65000+ 7 2.15000- 27036 3105 139 1.70000+ 7 2.05000- 2 1.75000+ 7 1.95000- 2 1.80000+ 7 1.85000- 27036 3105 140 1.85000+ 7 1.76000- 2 1.90000+ 7 1.68000- 2 1.95000+ 7 1.59000- 27036 3105 141 2.00000+ 7 1.50000- 2 7036 3105 142 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 07036 3 0 143 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 07036 0 0 144 3.00600+ 3 5.96340+ 0 0 0 1 07036 8105 145 1.00300+ 3 0.00000+ 0 9 0 6 70137036 8105 146 3.89730+ 8 1.00000+ 0 2.00300+ 3 1.00000+ 0 1.86190+ 4 1.00000+ 07036 8105 147 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 07036 8 0 148 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 07036 0 0 149 3.00600+ 3 5.96340+ 0 0 0 0 07036 9105 150 0.00000+ 0 4.78380+ 6 0 0 1 27036 9105 151 2 2 7036 9105 152 1.00000- 5 1.00000+ 0 2.00000+ 7 1.00000+ 0 7036 9105 153 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 07036 9 0 154 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 07036 0 0 155 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 156 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 156