Look Up Calculated Ground-State
Proton and Neutron Pairing Gaps

Pairing gaps calculated in the Lipkin-Nogami pairing model are looked up. For details please consult references
  • Nuclear Physics A536 (1992) 20
  • Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 59 (1995) 185
We look up the pairing gap Δ and the number-fluctuation constant λ2 which are both obtained by solving eqs. (6)-(10) in the Nuclear Physics reference. We also tabulate

ΔLN= Δ + λ2

which is the quantity that should be identified with odd-even mass differences.

Write proton number Z:

Write mass number A:

Downloading of the pairing data file

The entire data file of calculated pairing quantities may be downloaded by clicking here. The format of the file is, in FORTRAN notation (2i5,4f8.3), and each record contains:

Z, N, Δp, λ2p, Δn, λ2n

ryxm@lanl.gov, moller@lanl.gov
Created April 1996, last modified 27 March 2012