This nuclear data viewer allows you to prepare high-quality Postscript graphs of experimental data (CSISRS) and/or evaluated data (ENDF, JENDL, etc.) from our built-in data bases and view them on your work station or print them on your printer. You can also enter your own data or theoretical points into a text window and plot them against other data or other theoretical curves. The graphs can be customized to use whatever energy range, axis types, titles, or plotting symbols that you desire. Both 2D plots, such as cross section vs energy, and 3D perspective plots, such as angular distributions vs incident energy or secondary energy distributions vs incident energy, are supported. You can even use the Nuclear Data Viewer as a convenient general purpose graphing program with its user-input option. Several different output formats are supported: PS, PDF, JPG, PNG. This system can optionally download the numbers used to make the graph instead of the plot itself. The x,y coordinates could then be inspected or reformatted for use in another plotting system. In this mode, the nuclear data viewer provides a convenient way to extract data from evaluations or the experimental data base without have to understand the complex formats of the original sources. For hints on how to use the Nuclear Data Viewer, see the tutorial. |