Forrest B. Brown

Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Dr. Forrest Brown is a Senior Research Scientist with the Monte Carlo Codes group in the X Computational Physics Division at LANL. He has extensive experience and expertise in radiation transport analysis, reactor physics, criticality safety, high performance computing, parallel/vector computing, random sampling, computer benchmarking. He has been a lead developer for the MCNP, RACER, and VIM Monte Carlo codes at LANL, KAPL, and ANL. Forrest is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society with over 300 technical publications. He is a Research Professor at the University of New Mexico, and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Michigan and RPI. Honors awarded to Forrest include: ANS Gerald C. Pomraning Award, ANS Distinguished Service award, Los Alamos Achievement awards, Defense Programs of Excellence awards, GE Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, and others.