Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico 87545, USA

We calculate nuclear pairing gaps for nuclei throughout the periodic system in both the BCS and Lipkin-Nogami pairing models. The energy levels required for the calculations are obtained from the folded-Yukawa single-particle model for ground-state shapes obtained in the macroscopic-microscopic approach by minimizing the total potential energy with respect to epsilon_2 and epsilon_4 shape degrees of freedom. For both pairing models we study two proposed forms for the effective-interaction pairing gap that is used to determine the pairing-gap parameter G that enters directly into the pairing equations. By comparing the calculated pairing gaps to experimental odd-even mass differences we determine parameter values for the proposed forms of the effective-interaction pairing gap by least-squares minimization. These comparisons to data lead to a preferred form for the effective-interaction pairing gap and to values of its parameters for both the BCS and Lipkin-Nogami models. From this microscopic study we conclude that no explicit isospin dependence is required for the effective-interaction pairing gap that is used to determine the pairing-gap parameter G.
The text and the figures are available for download.
This manuscript has been assigned Los Alamos Preprint No LA-UR-01-1648.
Page by Peter Möller
created 2001 last modified 5 July 2012