Four different flux input files are allowed. RTFLUX is a CCCC standard interface file (Ref. 25)for regular total flux, which is normally used to give the P0 flux by fine mesh interval. TRANSX uses it as if it contained region or coarse mesh fluxes; if only one region is defined, RTFLUX is a handy way to pass central flux into TRANSX from a CCCC standard code. RZFLUX is a similar CCCC file for regular zone averaged flux.

What TRANSX really needs are the P0, P1, ... moments of the flux given by coarse mesh regions. However, as all SN codes have $\phi_0, \phi_1,...$ available from the calculation of the source term, the moments can be made available for output in a moments flux file. The ONEDANT and TWODANT codes now have the capability to write the RMFLUX (regular moment flux) file by fine mesh or RZMFLX (regular zone averaged moment flux) by coarse mesh. The format of these non-standard CCCC files is the same and is given here.

It should be noted that ordering of the flux moments becomes more complex for cylindrical or two-angle plane geometry when the associated Legendre functions appear in the formulas. A good discussion of the ordering used in the Los Alamos transport codes appears in the ONETRAN report (Ref. 26). TRANSX should be limited to P1 sets for these cases.

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