NJOY 2012
Nuclear Data Processing System

The NJOY 2012 User Manual LA-UR-12-27079 Rev (pdf):


Basic Instructions:


Current Description:


Latest Updates:


User Input Instructions:


Interface File Formats:


Test Problem Input and Output Files:

These test results are from a PC Win7 workstation running the Intel ifort compiler with F90FLAGS = /O1 /traceback /Qpc80 /Qprec-div /fp (see makef.win.ifort). NJOY2012 can also be run using the free g95 compiler on Mac or linux (see makef.g95) or the GFortran compiler included on most linux distributions (see makef.gfn). Windows users can run the test problems using the free g95 compiler (see makef.win.g95) or the Intel ifort compiler (see makef.win.ifort. Convenient scripts for creating a new NJOY2012 executable on Windows machines are available here as makeNJOY.win1.bat and makeNJOY.win2.bat, or are easily adapted to the directory structure defined by the User's installation.

Note that the in01.dat test1 input file has been altered from that provided on the distribution media due to changes in the underlying code. NJOY2012.34 and above will fail if the original test1 input deck is used. The output of this test job will necessarily differ from that produced by earlier versions of NJOY2012.

Problem Input Outputs DOS Input
1 in01 out01, pend01 run01.bat, in01_2012v34.dat
2 in02 out02, pend02 run02.bat, in02.dat
3 in03 out03, plot03.pdf run03.bat, in03.dat
4 in04 out04 run04.bat, in04.dat
5 in05 out05, plot05.pdf run05.bat, in05.dat
6 in06 plot06.pdf run06.bat, in06.dat
7 in07 out07, pend07, ace07 run07.bat, in07.dat
8 in08 out08, pend08 run08.bat, in08.dat
9 in09 out09, pend09 run09.bat, in09.dat
10 in10 out10, pend10, ace10 run10.bat, in10.dat
11 in11 out11, wims11 run11.bat, in11.dat
12 in12 out12, pend12, plot12.pdf run12.bat, in12.dat
13 in13 out13, pend13, ace13, plot13.pdf run13.bat, in13.dat
14 in14 out14, ace14, plot14.pdf run14.bat, in14.dat
15 in15 out15, plot15.mf31.pdf,
run15.bat, in15.dat
16 in16 out16, plot16.mf33.pdf, plot16.mf34.pdf run16.bat, in16.dat
17 in17 out17 run17.bat, in17.dat
18 in18 out18, plot18.pdf run18.bat, in18.dat
19 in19 out19, pend19, ace19 run19.bat, in19.dat
20 in20 out20, pend20, plot20.pdf run20.bat, in20.dat

03 February 2017